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Batwoman (@CWBatwoman): Cast exits announced

Last month season two of the CW show Batwoman concluded leaving viewers waiting in anticipation for season three, which is due to air on the 13th of October.

The show was renewed for a third season early into the airing of season two but some cast members will not be returning (spoilers ahead).

It has been confirmed that Dougray Scott, who has portrayed Jacob Kane since the first season began will be not be coming back. In episode 16 of season two, viewers saw Jacob get arrested for aiding and abetting the criminal known as Alice – who happens to be his daughter Beth! Later on in the episode, we saw Jacob talk to his step-daughter Mary where he told her that he was being transferred to a prison in Metropolis out of fears for his safety. Batwoman showrunner Caroline Dries stated that the exit was a mutual decision between all involved, saying that they felt the characters storyline came to a natural conclusion.

Also not returning for the next season of the show is Wallis Day who took on the role of Kate Kane after Ruby Rose left the show after season one. When Kate was reintroduced in season two, she had been brainwashed and had no memory of who she used to be after being in a plane crash. Throughout the season, her family and friends worked towards restoring her memories so that they could have the real Kate back and by the end of the finale they succeeded.

With her memories back, Kate decided to leave Gotham with a new agenda – see her dad, visit a friend in National City (We’re guessing Supergirl??) and to find her cousin Bruce Wayne aka Batman who has been missing since the programme began. The reason for Wallis not returning is pretty similar to that of Dougray as showrunner Caroline stated that Kate’s story has now come full circle. Wallis shared a post thanking fans for tuning in to the latest season.

Although they may not be appearing in any episodes anytime soon, Caroline did say that the door has been left open for both of their characters to return.

How do you feel about Dougray and Wallis not returning for season three? What events do you think would happen for them to be drawn back to Gotham? Let us know @CelebMix
