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Do Tomo and Jun get together at the end of the manga

The wholesome couple of Tomo-chan is a Girl! have become an overnight sensation, with the series debuting on January 5, 2023. The rom-com slice-of-life series stars Tomo Aizawa, a 15-year-old tomboy who has begun to develop feelings for her childhood friend Junichirou Kubota, also known as Jun.

The only catch in this rom-com goodness is that Jun doesn’t see Tomo as a girl and continues to treat her like a boy. Jun and Tomo recently learned that they can’t keep hanging out like best buds forever, as the romantic tension ceaselessly grows between them.

As the hype for Tomo-chan is a Girl! is intensifying worldwide, devoted fans of the series are curious to learn how things end between Tomo and Jun in the original manga series of Fumita Yanagida. Fans of Tomo-chan is a Girl! would be delighted to learn that the duo did indeed get together at the end of the manga series, but the road wasn't easy for either of them.

Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for Tomo-chan is a Girl! anime and manga series.

Jun surprises Tomo with his grand confession in Tomo-chan is a Girl!

Over time, both Jun and Tomo have gone through significant character development. They become more mature about their feelings and learn to tackle trials in tribulations to survive in the long run of their romantic escapades.

Although it took 45 chapters of the seven tankobon volumes for Tomo and Jun to reach a conclusion regarding their feelings, they always had a spark between them that was unbeknownst to both.

For Tomo-chan is a Girl! fans, it would be surprising to learn that Jun took the initiative to confront Tomo about his feelings. In chapter 45 of volume 7, during the school's Annual Cultural Festival, Jun made the resolute to propose Tomo at any cost. Since the character keeps his genuine thoughts behind his deadpan facade, it is hard for manga enthusiasts to figure out Jun’s next move.

While it has never been explained what exactly caused Jun to be upfront with Tomo, it is apparent that, in time, he lost patience and wanted to tell her how he felt before she slipped away from his life. After Jun asked Tomo to be his dance partner at the Cultural Festival out of the blue, it caught her off guard as he requested her in front of a vast crowd, which was very unlikely.

However, the most startling thing for Tomo was Jun claiming he doesn’t disagree with people misunderstanding them as a couple. Despite making an open confession, it took him many days to make Tomo understand that he had fallen head over heels for her.

In chapter 40 of volume 6, page 82, titled "Girl [gerl], n. A Female Child," it has been shown that Jun found out about Tomo being a girl after enrolling into Junior High. This was the very moment when Jun started developing feelings towards Tomo but kept it a secret all along.

During his confession, Jun also revealed to Tomo that he knew that the confession under the cherry blossom tree was real, but as he was too scared, he acted like it was a joke. Following the events of chapter 47 of volume 8, Jun and Tomo started dating each other. However, as a man of principles, Jun needed permission from Tomo’s parents.

Akemi was gladdened by Jun dating Tomo, but Gorou wasn’t on-board with the idea. However, Gorou proposed the idea of a Judo match, where he would have to permit Tomo and Jun’s relationship if he lost. Jun gave it all to win Tomo’s heart and finally defeated his most powerful opponent. As a reward, Tomo kissed Jun to make their relationship official.

Fans of Tomo-chan is a Girl! series were saddened after the manga reached its conclusion. However, fans still wished to see more of Tomo and Jun being a couple. Although the continuation of Tomo-chan is a Girl! manga is improbable, it will be surprising for fans if Fumita Yanagida decides to change his mind.

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